
PooliT has a very simple core API consisting of four interfaces: Pooler and PoolHandler for pooling purposes, and Cacher and CacheHandler for caching purposes. The core API is found in the ca.huy.poolit package.

The Pooler interface defines methods to retrieve and return objects to a pool. It is left to classes implementing this interface to establish the pooling algorithm to be used. Several Poolers are provided with PooliT that offer simple pooling strategies -- like FixedPooler that store objects in an array -- to more complex strategies, such as TimeoutPooler that will clean up objects which have not been used for an extended period of time. Poolers provided with PooliT can be found in the ca.huy.poolit.poolers package. Please consult the javadoc to find other Poolers provided with PooliT. Poolers should not be tied to a particular class to be pooled. Poolers are meant to be able to pool any type of object, and should only be concerned about the pooling algorithm.

The PoolHandler interface defines methods to create, destroy and check the integrity of objects that are being pooled. Poolers call the PoolHandler to perform the three actions mentioned when needed because the handlers contain the logic to perform these operations for a particular class. Several PoolHandlers are packaged with PooliT and can be found in the ca.huy.poolit.handlers package. Some examples of classes that have handlers provided by PooliT:

  • java.sql.Connection
  • javax.naming.InitialContext

The Cacher interface defines methods to retrieve and store objects in a cache. Objects stored are keyed so that they may be retrieved later with the same key (like a Map). Classes implementing this interface only concern themselves with how objects are cached and not the types of objects being cached. If an object is not found in a cache, the Cacher will call the CacheHandler to create the requested object. Think of a Cacher as a repository where the same instance given its keys can be retrieved by multiple objects. Contrast that to a Pooler where each request to a Pooler results in a different instance being returned each time.

The CacheHandler interface defines methods to create and destroy objects that are being cached. CacheHandler defines methods that are similar to methods found in PoolHandler. Most classes found in the ca.huy.poolit.handlers implement both these interfaces because behaviourily they are very similar.